SportsGal89 In the Building:
Alright ya'll, so you know my ABSOLUTE disgust of the Celtics.. DIS-GUST!!! But I have to say that I genuinely like the Magic, and it pains me to see them playing the way they are and not having anything to show for it. Going into GM3 in Boston it would have been nice to see this series tied up with some momentum for the Magic going in. But Dang, you have to give it to the Celtics, RONDO!!! I LOVE sports?! Well duh, but the reason I love sports is for these glimpses of greatness on the court, field etc.. And tonight I have to give it to Rondo, he is a sight to see 25points, 5 rebound, 8 Assists 2 Steals.. I mean dang! Rondo 24 years old (Holla,lol) and has nice future in the NBA. Dang! I can't...
I guess I have to give it to Pierce too, YUCKFEST!!! Pierce, for those Celtic fans out there 28pts, 5 rebounds, 5 Assists and then he gets fouled out a little too late.. I think had Pierce been fouled out or say the first of the 4th then maybe, just maybe the Magic could have pulled one out.
Now onto the Magic, because really it's the D that wins games, and the Orlando Magic HAD NO D!!! Ugh, rebounds were hard to get, and even when they did, missed opportunities didn't make things any better. The other down fall, you have to take advantage of the shots when you get them. Free Throws off of fouls might as well be a free point here or there, and when you have both Howard and then Vet Vince Carter missing these crucial shots, you have a problem. But I got to give it to the boys in Blue and White they had heart! Howard closing with 30points, 8 rebounds, 1 assist; Carter with 16points, 1 rebound and 1 assist. Offenses on both teams were doing great! But the D is where the Celtics took the lead away from the Magic.
Now in my opinion do I think Orlando can pull it out.. Gm2 was a much better improvement from Gm1, but we don't have time for much improvement, we need DOMINATION!! Plus you are taking the game to Boston, eh, with the fans and the way the Celtics play at home, plus Rondo is on fire- Yo sorry to say this but I think the best in the East is going to the Celtics, YUCKFEST!!!!
I can't believe I said it.. I got to brush that nasty out of my mouth..
Check me out in a minute with the Lottery info..
Let me leave you with a Rondo highlight and show you how saucey this boy is:
(I'll have to come back, no clips up on the feeds yet)
SportsGal89 out..
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