Waiting in anticipation for GM 1 of the 2010 Western Conference Finals where hopefully my Lakers: Kobe and the Crew will take home a win against Steve Nash, Vet Grant Hill and the Suns!
Nice that the first game is at home in the GREAT Staples Center, which I have yet to see a game in live, but know that I will get there soon.
You might ask how this Steelers football loving fan became a Lakers fan. Well it started long ago with a man I call Dad. Robert Ceran began not only my love of the Lakers, but my love of the Steelers and sports in general. But needless to say, I have loved the Lakers since I can remember. My dad likes to record things (tv shows and music) and back in the day these recordings were on VHS. Anyways, he used to record all of these old school Lakers games versus the yuckfest Celtics (BOO!) when it it was Irving "Magic" Johnson and Larry Bird. Watching Magic and Bird play these games was beautiful, I grew to love the Lakers and I have loved them ever since. I was a huge fan of Kobe when he first came to the LA squad- but I think back then like every young girl it was a fascination with this good looking guy from Philly. Lol, I remember when the big news around the NBA (at least for me) was that Kobe was taking R&B Singer Brandy to prom. OMG!! So much has changed.
Anyways back to tonights big game, I am excited to watch my boys do work on the court. Looking forward to seeing Bynum out on the court, but I also don't want him to injure himself more especially if we cna use him down the line. I am confident that Gasol, Fisher, Odom and my boy Shannon Brown will make some Magic on the court. Not that I don't like the Vet Grant Hill, but not against my Lakers. Sorry boys, but the Suns are about to set in LA and the Lakers are reaching for the stars and that next ring! LOVE IT!!
Check me later for stats on the game :D
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