
This Just in... Van Gundy is an idiot (Jeff, not Stan)

SportsGal89 In the Building:

Jeff Van Gundy, says the most idiotic things as a commentator that I have ever heard! This just in Van Gundy blames fans for their actions before he blames the people in charge for theirs.. So, and now I am blanking on the Ref right now, but before the half, the ref went to put the ball down and a fan happened to walk by and of course was mouthing off, being that the Magic have been getting some whack calls- AND IN NO WAY AM I SAYING I AGREE WITH THE FAN, but the Ref throws the ball at the fan, the fan throws it back and the chump ref is trying to get the fan kicked out. So Van Gundy (Jeff) says he doesn't agree with what the ref did, but fans need to have a little bit more reserve when dealing with sports professionals... HMMM- To you Jeff, they are called PROFESSIONALS for a reason! Yes, as a fan we need to appreciate the sport a little bit more and not let our own actions ruin the game and what we love about the game, but just as much as an athlete gets fired up, so do the fans if not more. And in no way does talking a little smack to the ref deserve a ball getting thrown at you. I think it is the Ref's responsibility to hold their own. This sloppy mess of of kicking people out of games and getting into fights as a Ref or an Umpire or any person who is officiating a game is beyond me; just as much as I do not condone actions by athletes who fight fans or melees. And might I remind you J. Van Gundy of a time when as a coach, a game in which the Knicks' Williams and the Heat's Mourning created their own on court brawl- and what did you do? Hmm..

For the record I get that experience is a good teacher, but tensions run high. And regardless that fan wasn't the one who had the basketball in his hand- taunting or not..
I'm SportsGal89 and I'm out...
For the Moment :p

1 comment:

  1. Afterthought from GM2 Celtics v. Magic: I wonder if Jeff will give his brother Stan some advice going into GM3.. Ponder that..
