I know that I have fallen off the blog post radar, and for that I apologize. But I couldn't let this opportunity to slip away, to comment on what got me started on this blog in the first place.
Let me recap a little bit and then I'll hit you with my main point...After regrouping from the realization that #TeamLakers were not going to the Finals, I had to rally my support around a team that I knew could go far.. #TeamThunder, here are the reasons:
- I've said it before and I will continue to say it- I am a fan of the game first before I am a team fan. With that said, IF your team is crazy enough to beat the team I believe in my heart is the champ, then I have to support you all the way. Why? Well if my team gets beat, I would hope that the team that beat them is a good enough competitor to take the whole thing. I don't want those what if moments--- what if the Steelers D was able to stop that impressive Tebow pass that sent them to the next round of the playoffs? What if the Lakers were actually cohesive enough to beat the Thunder? What if the Buckeyes, actually played strong consistently through the last game of their Final 4 run? These are the questions I don't want to have to worry about, so I put my fan spirit behind the team that I think can make it, the team that beat my champs.
- DEREK FISHER!!!! D-Fish has been my Ace on the Lakers. He is a class act an incredible athlete and a great man off the court. The story of his daughter's illness, his drive to still play knowing she was sick etc. has been a fascinating example on and off the court. Not to mention we share a birthday!
- KD! I love that kid, he is phenomenal. Currently living in DC, I have come to know this hometown hero- not personally of course. But through his love of this city, and his constant presence during the off season etc. Someone that young, that efficient on the court is a BEAST to be reckoned with! I will continue to appreciate his spirit, his flare and his ability to make the game look seamless no matter what the other team is doing to defend him.
- Going into the series- Lakers vs Thunder, watching the Lakers play almost too tired, inconsistent, made me question our ability to go all the way. Friends say that I am an emotional sports fan, and that's true. I've been around sports so long, that I am pretty good about reading the emotions of the teams, who wants it, who is fighting for it etc. I know when my team isn't playing up to par and are risking championships SuperBowl 2010-2011 Steelers vs Greenbay. My team wasn't ready, they kept getting lucky throughout the season and it destroyed them when they needed to fight for it the most.
So those are my reasons, now on to the big piece. It seems as if my blog is coming full circle, one of the first blogs I wrote about came on the heels of the Cavs 4-2 Series loss against the Celtics. Winning game 6 would have given the series a 3-3 run, and the Cavs having yet another chance to head to the Finals. What do I attribute to this loss- LEBRON! Why? I felt he gave up, but don't take my word for it now, head back to my earlier blogs to check out my feelings. Disappointing was Lebron's typical 4th quarter breakdowns. But that didn't push me into blog writing madness. What pushed me was the controversy that started shortly after that last buzzer. Sports analysts were questioning what would become of Lebron James, where was he off to. Speculating his next team and the choices that he was bound to make. Rumors of a run in Chicago, possibly to lead the rise of the Brooklyn Nets, Miami even? My issue, the season wasn't officially over yet and the BIGGEST story was Lebron James, an athlete who in my opinion was afraid of his own success.
Well spring forward to a press conference that no one really cared to listen to, and Lebron is off to Miami (we knew that). In my head I wondered if Lebron could ever own a championship that was truly his, I mean Miami making a beautiful, calculated transition that included D-Wade, Chris Bosh and Lebron as the team's leaders, would definitely taint what could be considered the best decision this young athlete could have made. Bring on the first year of his season in Miami and Lebron played the ASS on and off the court, yeah Miami went to the finals, THANKFULLY they lost. But still, Lebron wasn't the "hometown" hero anymore. He allowed his ego to get to him. The reality, Lebron wasn't in Ohio anymore. Nothing he did was going to be patted on the back and excused. Now he is in Miami, a city that is used to its fare share of celebrities that come and go. Lebron is just another superstar in the list that may come and go as often as the hurricanes do.
So year two comes around, I can't say that I forgave Lebron for the way he left Ohio. I mean, for me I could care less. I think it's incredibly naive for any city to think that one man is going to stay there without ever winning a championship. I think it's unrealistic for fans to think that loyalty is something athletes are expected to live up to. They are in the game to make money and win championships, that is their end goal. We can't force them to stay where they aren't able to do that against their will...
But now this blog is getting long so here I go to the why it's come full circle. NBA Finals, year two of Lebron's ride with Miami, finds #OKC and #HEAT at it. The Heat win despite OKC's valiant run, but it came down to something Magic Johnson said "One team WANTS to win, another team KNOWS they can win," I'll let you figure out which team is which on your own.
Despite being annoyed that Miami won, well annoyed that Lebron finally got his ring, I was glad that we could say finally. Okay Lebron, you left Cleveland, made an ass of yourself and got your redemption, good for you, now your 15 minutes is up. Well, my sentiments toward Lebron changed. In his speech after receiving the MVP and holding the Championship trophy, Lebron finally owned up to his role in disappointing the basketball fan in me and the Lebron fan I once was. Here's what he said:
Now it might not seem like a lot to you, but it shows a changed man. From someone who cursed at fans, got angry for losses, just acted down right annoying and big headed, I appreciated this version of Lebron recognizing his own growth.
Who knows what comes next in his career, but at least now I can put my frustration with Lebron to rest--for now.. In the meantime, congrats to the Heat for the win and OKC there will be a next time.
Well spring forward to a press conference that no one really cared to listen to, and Lebron is off to Miami (we knew that). In my head I wondered if Lebron could ever own a championship that was truly his, I mean Miami making a beautiful, calculated transition that included D-Wade, Chris Bosh and Lebron as the team's leaders, would definitely taint what could be considered the best decision this young athlete could have made. Bring on the first year of his season in Miami and Lebron played the ASS on and off the court, yeah Miami went to the finals, THANKFULLY they lost. But still, Lebron wasn't the "hometown" hero anymore. He allowed his ego to get to him. The reality, Lebron wasn't in Ohio anymore. Nothing he did was going to be patted on the back and excused. Now he is in Miami, a city that is used to its fare share of celebrities that come and go. Lebron is just another superstar in the list that may come and go as often as the hurricanes do.
So year two comes around, I can't say that I forgave Lebron for the way he left Ohio. I mean, for me I could care less. I think it's incredibly naive for any city to think that one man is going to stay there without ever winning a championship. I think it's unrealistic for fans to think that loyalty is something athletes are expected to live up to. They are in the game to make money and win championships, that is their end goal. We can't force them to stay where they aren't able to do that against their will...
But now this blog is getting long so here I go to the why it's come full circle. NBA Finals, year two of Lebron's ride with Miami, finds #OKC and #HEAT at it. The Heat win despite OKC's valiant run, but it came down to something Magic Johnson said "One team WANTS to win, another team KNOWS they can win," I'll let you figure out which team is which on your own.
Despite being annoyed that Miami won, well annoyed that Lebron finally got his ring, I was glad that we could say finally. Okay Lebron, you left Cleveland, made an ass of yourself and got your redemption, good for you, now your 15 minutes is up. Well, my sentiments toward Lebron changed. In his speech after receiving the MVP and holding the Championship trophy, Lebron finally owned up to his role in disappointing the basketball fan in me and the Lebron fan I once was. Here's what he said:
Who knows what comes next in his career, but at least now I can put my frustration with Lebron to rest--for now.. In the meantime, congrats to the Heat for the win and OKC there will be a next time.
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