
Football is back: But it's taking me a moment to catch up #NFL2017Season

Hey Y'all it's your favorite SportsGal89 Innnnnnnn the Buildin'! If you are new to my blog, you'll typically find me writing about sports--- duh. Particularly over the last season my blogging stopped at Week 2. Last season too many things collided when it came to the activity I love and "real life." What I mean by that is, I LOVE football, if football is on, I am generally a happy camper. There is nothing like hearing that whistle blow, pads cracking against each other, cheers of some loud fans, wings and beer. Christmas comes early for me each and every fall. 

In "real life" beyond just the fandom that is the NFL, I am a passionate Social Justice activist. People matter, their experiences matter and we can't be compartmentalized as people and in our identities. I own that I myself have been ruthless in my wishing and hoping that "athletes stay within their lanes," particularly around politics or topics when I disagreed with their thinking, but I see the fault in that thinking and while I'll still give you a side-eye for some out of bounds thinking and speaking, do you because we each have that right. 

So where was I, Summer of 2016 intense particularly for Black men in these United States. Football season rolls around and Colin Kaepernick presents himself as an activist for the plight of Black men and the violence and harassment they have faced. You add to it that there are still shootings occurring, a tumultuous Presidential election and the reality was I just wasn't feeling it. Now fast forward to THIS summer in anticipating what Free Agency and other big changes might bring to the league and Colin Kaepernick  a free agent and still eligible to play in the league is Blackballed from playing in a game that he is qualified for. Not because he has a case against him, not because he violated any league rules-- but merely because he took the moment when he was in the spotlight to protest something that he disagreed with. You add to it all this back and forth with everyone having an opinion, the pending season just took a lot out of me. 

So here I am, it's the 2017 Season Kickoff and yes I am watching the game (Patriots vs. Kansas City); yes I have a Fantasy team, but there's something missing. This season I am here for the sport, I am here for Football, but for the league (NFL) I  am not here for it. 

I am not sure what this season will look like for me and my blogging, who knows maybe I will get it together and you'll see my normal, but for right now I am sort of indifferent when it comes to my favorite season of the year. 

If you have hung with me for a few seasons, I know this was not what you were expecting of my first post of the season. For those of you who are tuning in for the first time, stick with me, I will get back to what everyone has been anticipating. 

That's all she wrote

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