
#MAMBAOut 1.26

 Hey Y'all it's your favorite SportsGal89 Innnnnnnn the Buildin'!!!! The last time I posted was ~3 years ago. There was a lot that happened in between year 1 & 2 in the sports world that made it less fun to bring you my traditional. Then last year (2020) was the whirlwind, of a lot of movement in the sports industry and I will get to that eventually but today, this day, January 26th, there is a reason that it took me a year to actually write. 

His name was Kobe Bean Bryant, he was born August 23rd, 1978. I first learned of Kobe when he took Brandy to the prom. My dad loved the Lakers so I followed along, but it wasn't until a life change (that is not for this blog) that caused me to dig my heels in and commit to then, number 8. 

Kobe was a comet... You waited a lifetime to catch a glimpse. Yes, I grew up in the era of Jordan, but Kobe was my generation's Jordan, in that we literally watched his entire start before our eyes, before we really understood what greatness was in front of us. 


Kobe was a comet... He soared across that court at rapid speed, with this energy and momentum and just fire that you didn't want to catch just a piece, you wanted the fullness of his enormity. 


Kobe was a comet... You didn't want to blink, because you wanted to be sure you actually saw his light streak in front of you. 


Kobe was a comet.... I was grateful to watch like many his ups and his downs. His passion, his drive, his fight for the game that he loved. 


Kobe was a comet... and like a comet (and a human) wasn't perfect. Kobe needed to be held accountable for his actions, like we all do. 


Kobe was a comet... His first streak into the orbit wasn't to be his last. The next set of glimpses we were to catch of his was to be the greatest shower we had witness. 


His name was Kobe Bean Bryant, he died unexpectedly on January 26, 2020, along with 8 other people (including his daughter) who should be remembered every time we say his name: 

  • John Altobelli
  • Keri Altobelli
  • Alyssa Altobelli
  • Christina Mauser
  • Sarah Chester
  • Payton Chester
  • Ara Zobayan
  • Gianna Bryant 
Like a comet, Kobe Bean Bryant came swiftly, left a mark and has many waiting to catch him streak across that brilliant sky again. 

I never met Kobe Bean Bryant. We weren't friends. He never knew my name. Yet, like many my heart split hearing the news. I think many of us have the memory of where we were. 

It was a Sunday. I was meeting my girls as we prepared to train for a 10 mile race we planned on running in the summer of 2020. I had left church, was on the metro and meeting them at one of our major transit centers. I hadn't checked my phone, so I missed the group chat. Trying to find them, I didn't even see the messages above the one I was typing. I eventually spotted them, but didn't pick up on anything until they got closer. 

Whit said, "Did you hear about Kobe?"
My reply, "Kobe, who?"
Whit: "Bryant."

I looked at Whit, confused. "What do you mean?"
Whit hadn't even spoken the full words before I backed up "no, no, no, no, no..."

The space around us started to make noise. I heard two guys talking about Kobe. 
I opened my phone, looked at Twitter, searched his name and fell to my knees. I was sick -- NOT KOBE.

I felt drained. Drained. I called my dad, Kobe was OUR comet. My dad didn't know. I broke the news to him and then I broke. Kobe was OUR comet. 


Like many my heart was ripped as the story of his death began to come to light. Then learning that his daughter and others were killed too. And learning more of the lives of who they all were. 

I couldn't sleep. I cried myself to sleep for days. My friends text me asking if I was okay. My family called me checking in. Kobe was MY comet. 

Each morning before I was fully awake, Kobe's name would flash in my memory. And then my heart broke and my energy shifted to those who knew, loved and cared for Kobe. He was THEIR Kobe. Every tear, every thought pushed my heart to lift up those left behind. The world rallied to Vanessa Bryant, wife and mother of Kobe's #GirlDad tribe. Who lost both Kobe and Gianna that day. Gianna's friends, coaches and others connected to their Mamba team. Vanessa is strength. She is the boldest part of the comet, the one we don't always pay attention to as we keep our eyes set on there the comet moves to. Vanessa is the tail, as powerful and vibrant as the head, she is the momentum that keeps on going. She is the streak we see. 

Every tear, every thought, circles back to her and all those left behind. The ones who lived life, who had a relationship, who knew them closely. We all caught glimpses of the comet, but these are the ones who were in the orbit with them. Whew! 💜💛

So today, is the first day in a year that I have needed to write. Chosen to write to say Thank You to those in the orbit, who let us be in awe of your comets. 


Kobe was a comet, gone too soon. Just like a comet, if you blink when it streaks. I for sure will be keeping my eye on heaven to see him streak by once again. 
Photo captured by me (Keesha Ceran) Lakers vs Wizards
Kobe wears number 24
Washington, DC December 6, 2008


For me, it will always be Magic and Kobe's Lakers...

Hey Y'all it's your favorite SportsGal89 Innnnnnnn the Buildin'!!! It has been a while since I have connected with y'all and for that I am sorry. Obviously something big made it that I am dusting off my typing fingers and getting back to work...

Funny how things come somewhat full circle. I need a moment to mourn the loss of a lifetime of sports fandom.And yes I am about to be dramatic as I can be right now. And no this has nothing to do with stats, but merely sports news and the emotions that go with it.

Full circle, in 2010 I started this blog. Why?- LEBRON JAMES and not because I was a fan of his... This was one of my first posts

To give you some background, I am originally from Ohio and of the Ohio sports team, my allegiance goes only so far and that is with The Ohio State Buckeyes (in pretty much everything). But there is Ohio pride, I was born and raised there for much of my childhood. Yes, I am a Steelers fan but when the Cleveland Browns were essentially removed from Ohio to create the Baltimore Ravens, my disdain for the Ravens goes deeper than a rivalry. Taking away a fundamental fixture of my great midwest home state was devastating. 

There are legends from Ohio and one day I hope I am considered among them. I will give it to him, Lebron is a legend in his own right. But watching Lebron, in my opinion, give up that game while the rest of the sports world hyped him up, no thanks but I was "out" before Shark Tank was even a thing. This season completely changed my attitude towards Lebron. Is he one of the greatest athletes certainly, but do I need to ride his jock? NO THANK YOU!

So you had that season and then his Miami announcement. 👀Was that even necessary? 

Basically, over the years I have just not been all about Lebron. Does he energize a arena, sure. Am I about to bust out a 23 jersey anytime soon and start lauding "King James," no.

So full circle, about an hour ago, I am scrolling Facebook and see some posts about Lebron and LA. MY LA, the LA that Magic and Kobe built. The PURPLE and GOLD, MY PURPLE and GOLD and now Lebron James is going to the Los Angeles Lakers. 

(This is me, but on my couch, screaming at the announcement of Lebron James going to the Lakers on July 1, 2018)

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! (and no that is not a scream of excitement, that is a scream of frustration and has been the outburst that keeps happening every couple of minutes). AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Here's the thing, The Lakers have been shit for a while now. And I resolved that they were going to be shit for a while. That the glory days dynasty that I had been used to under Kobe was going to take some time to rebuild. Was Lonzo Ball the answer, I don't know. The hype with the Ball family makes me want to keep my distance. But at least we were rebuilding and NOW, LEBRON! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! At least when I knew they would be in a rebuilding set of seasons, I could suffer in not having the greatest team in the NBA in peace and now I don't even know if I can even root for my beloved team. FOR WHAT?! How sway?! How does someone who has not celebrated Lebron ever, start.

When the Lakers signed Nash, I thought that could be the worst thing possible. I mean I spent years booing the Suns and Nash because of that great western rivalry. But now this. THIS!! What is a SportsGal to do.


That's all she wrote....


Football is back: But it's taking me a moment to catch up #NFL2017Season

Hey Y'all it's your favorite SportsGal89 Innnnnnnn the Buildin'! If you are new to my blog, you'll typically find me writing about sports--- duh. Particularly over the last season my blogging stopped at Week 2. Last season too many things collided when it came to the activity I love and "real life." What I mean by that is, I LOVE football, if football is on, I am generally a happy camper. There is nothing like hearing that whistle blow, pads cracking against each other, cheers of some loud fans, wings and beer. Christmas comes early for me each and every fall. 

In "real life" beyond just the fandom that is the NFL, I am a passionate Social Justice activist. People matter, their experiences matter and we can't be compartmentalized as people and in our identities. I own that I myself have been ruthless in my wishing and hoping that "athletes stay within their lanes," particularly around politics or topics when I disagreed with their thinking, but I see the fault in that thinking and while I'll still give you a side-eye for some out of bounds thinking and speaking, do you because we each have that right. 

So where was I, Summer of 2016 intense particularly for Black men in these United States. Football season rolls around and Colin Kaepernick presents himself as an activist for the plight of Black men and the violence and harassment they have faced. You add to it that there are still shootings occurring, a tumultuous Presidential election and the reality was I just wasn't feeling it. Now fast forward to THIS summer in anticipating what Free Agency and other big changes might bring to the league and Colin Kaepernick  a free agent and still eligible to play in the league is Blackballed from playing in a game that he is qualified for. Not because he has a case against him, not because he violated any league rules-- but merely because he took the moment when he was in the spotlight to protest something that he disagreed with. You add to it all this back and forth with everyone having an opinion, the pending season just took a lot out of me. 

So here I am, it's the 2017 Season Kickoff and yes I am watching the game (Patriots vs. Kansas City); yes I have a Fantasy team, but there's something missing. This season I am here for the sport, I am here for Football, but for the league (NFL) I  am not here for it. 

I am not sure what this season will look like for me and my blogging, who knows maybe I will get it together and you'll see my normal, but for right now I am sort of indifferent when it comes to my favorite season of the year. 

If you have hung with me for a few seasons, I know this was not what you were expecting of my first post of the season. For those of you who are tuning in for the first time, stick with me, I will get back to what everyone has been anticipating. 

That's all she wrote


My Thoughts: The Blackballing of Colin Kaepernick

Hey Y'all it's your favorite SportsGal89 Innnnnnnnnnn the buildin'! Yes, I know it has been quite some time. And I owe my readers an apology. It seems every football season I have high hopes of this being the year I finish a season strong-- that I finally make it through one season posting each and every week. But it seems that even though I love following the games and writing about them, something happens which derails the rhythm.

Most times, it's that I was in school, or work became a lot that it was too much to keep up with. This year though something bigger happened. Who we are-our identities, if we mean to be true to ourselves, can not  be compartmentalized. There are times when  the things we love collide and come into conflict with each other. This season was one of those-- in the backdrop of the 2016 season was national and political distress. The intersections of race and culture were too close for comfort.

What once seemed like a break from the things going on in the world, collided within the 2016 season. Summer 2016 was ripe with police violence among Black men. Over the course of a couple of weeks, there were two major cases of Black men dying at the hands of police and then there was a mass shooting against police officers in Dallas. Not to mention, attacks in France, Orlando (Pulse nightclub) and a rising Presidential election. It was too much.

I couldn't get into my rhythm of wrapping myself into the release that has been football. I was pulled into the details of what for me was more important. So for that I apologize to my followers.


In the 2016 season, football like most times became a break from all of what was happening around. But then through one singular act, there was a reminder that you can't compartmentalize REAL life and that the intersections of being human, can not be relegated based on your profession or salient identity.

Colin Kaepernick, then backup Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers chose to kneel during the national anthem, to shed light on the plight of Black men in this country at the hands of police. His act of protest caused a firestorm of commentary. Many applauded his courage and it sparked athletes throughout the league and in other sports to take similar actions. Many were also outraged by his form of protest and called for action against Kaepernick.

Throughout the season Kaepernick continued to kneel during the National Anthem. He also began speaking up and out more, in interviews and in his social media, calling attention to the ills he was seeing against the Black community. He started an organization to lift up, guide and mentor young people of color in the San Francisco area. He also committed to giving money to organizations that would build support for communities. There is something to be said about someone becoming aware of an issue and caring about it to want to see a difference made. For those of us in this work of social justice, it's not about how or when a person gets there, but that they get there and stay their. Committed to the work.

Fast forward, the 2016 season ended. Colin Kaepernick is a Free Agent and he currently remains unsigned- Why does he remain unsigned?

Good question!

Is it because of his skills?  In 2016 the 49ers season was abysmal. While a backup quarterback, Kaepernick's stats were still relatively positive and in comparison to some of his colleagues in the Free Agent pool, were better than even them. Yes you could make the argument that Kaepernick is inconsistent, but he's also not being developed as a QB and the reality is the 49ers as an organization has a lot to improve on, in how they invest in their players.

Is it because he has had a "colored" image, according to the NFL's standards?

To this I have to laugh. The NFL, isn't great at setting what they believe should be the ethical/moral image of their athletes. In all actuality they are the league of double standards and of a weak backbone, when they are meant to have rules.  A tweet popped up that Johnny Manziel was being courted by some teams. This folks is the same Johnny Manziel who was supposed to have a rockstar season his Rookie year, and he definitely lived it up like a Rockstar, that's for sure!

What was frustrating about teams entertaining Manziel was what it boiled down to--- If Kaepernicks' being overlooked was about his performance that could be one thing. I would even have to resign myself that it would be acceptable if Kaepernick's behavior warranted him being overlooked. But this is NOT what is happening. Johnny Manziel DIDN'T EVEN PLAY in 2016. And if you think overall, Kaep has playoff and Superbowl experience. Did Kaep have his name splattered in the news because of domestic violence, drugs, DUI or some other ethical standard?

NO. Kaepernick did one thing, disrupted the NFL's brand and ultimately messed with the NFL's money, that he is now being blackballed.
I am not a team owner. I don't work for the NFL, although I would love to one day. I get a brand's reputation. I understand the business that is the NFL. But this blackballing of Colin Kaepernick continues to pile on reasons why the NFL will continue to be misguided in what they value. There is not formative stance on the league's response to cases of Domestic Violence and how they respond to the athletes and the individuals who are involved. The NFL doesn't seem to have a standard when it comes to cases of sexual assault and whether it is truly an issue they have to do better about being responsible for.

Kaepernick didn't cause physical harm to anyone, he didn't directly tarnish the reputation of the NFL,
but the NFL is taking a stand, and what is being valued is their bottom line, their money and wanting to ensure that the league as a whole doesn't take a hit.

There is something else in the undertone of Kaepernick's situation, that is bigger than finances and it's one that is being called out by many in questioning why Kaep still hasn't been signed.

As a Black woman, I can't help but see the similarities in the NFL's actions and the actions of some of these owners, to maintain a "code of conduct" that parallels that of Jim Crow mentality. What I mean by this, is there is a message that is being sent through the ousting of Kaepernick, to keep "the boys in line." Kaepernick was the catalyst that sparked many other athletes to take a knee or speak out against what was happening nationally. But it was Kaepernick who remained the focal point. It is through Kaepernick that the NFL can attempt to maintain a standard. When the majority of your athletes are men of color. This standard is so problematic and reinforces institutionalized forms of oppression in so many ways.

It also just raises the question for me in regards to the NFL. What do you STAND for?

I don't expect organizations to take stances in the way that Ben & Jerry's has.
Courtesy of Ben & Jerry's Instagram

Although it would be nice. Businesses are businesses. As a fan of this league, I am beginning to see the NFL lately as soulless--- what do you stand for, if your intervention on cases of domestic violence is questionable. If your standards on player behavior is so blurred and ripe with double standards.

Is there a resolution?: 
I don't know if my outcome is that I want Kaepernick to be signed.

Because I don't want him to be made a Michael Sam, in that, I don't want him to be signed for the sake of being "inclusive." Side comment, I am not minimizing the significance of Michael Sam's signing as an openly gay man in the league. But my observance of his signing felt tainted--- In the seasons before some teams were in the spotlight for accusations of harassment and bullying of allegedly gay players by their teammates. His signing painted the NFL in a more positive light without having to formally address the behavior of these athletes.

I guess in the Kaepernick case I  want acknowledgement that there is something a little shady happening. I want acknowledgement that we're not making this stuff up when we say that institutionalized oppression even continues to infiltrate one of our greatest pastimes. I want there to be some type of acknowledgement by the NFL as an organization that I have loved to do better. In some ways I want it to be a microexperience of what I hope can happen on a macro level within the United States as a whole--- reconciliation.

As Shannon Sharpe noted during an episode of Fox Sports' (FS1) Undisputed with Skip Bayless

My biggest comment is that I hope that athletes are not seeing what's happening to Kaepernick and becoming more silent. There was something that was so powerful, in watching athletes recognize they were more than their positions and being reminded that they have an ability to speak boldly for the things that they care about. It is the most infuriating thing for me to hear more versed political speakers, communicating that celebrities "need to stick to what they know." Politics and social change, it is personal. And the personal is political. We are human and we can not be absent of recognizing the intersections of our identity.  I hope that what seemed to breakthrough the different sports continues as these athletes begin to recognize the strengths of their platforms to continue to push our society forward.

Courtesy of @ayym2312 on Instagram

That's all she wrote folks.


"Are You Going to Argue With Someone on their own experience?"

Hey Y'all it's your favorite SportsGal89 Innnnnnnn the Buildin'! I write today about sports but not, I write today about the controversy that is surrounding the NFL and other sports arenas in what I think is the most profound, interesting news story (because in all honesty, I don't think there is a dialogue happening).

If you haven't been paying attention San Francisco Quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been taking flack for his protest against police brutality in this country. His protest has sparked controversy because since the start of the pre-season games, Kaepernick has been seen sitting and then kneeling during the national anthem that plays before the game starts.

Colin has been quoted for the reasons why he is choosing to do what he is doing and I honestly commend him for taking action.

There have been times when I myself, even through these blogs and on my tweets have told some athletes they need to stay in their lane. I think sometimes, there are some minds who are not ready to have a conversation about what is political because they are not aware of the points that are being made. My annoyance with some athletes speaking on behalf of issues I don't feel they are justified in talking about is more because I don't want them to look like idiots, or moreso distract from the message.

Here's what I have appreciated about Colin's stance. He took an informed decision before making his protest. And even after continued to inform himself when he made the decision that instead of sitting during the anthem he would kneel.

Here's what I find fundamentally wrong:

Why is Colin Kaepernick a clown? And how does silently protesting the national anthem mean he is "not feeling American"?

Dr. Shaquille O'Neal commented on this statement as well (see quote above). When he asks "What happened last year?" you dismiss the fact that change happens due to awareness of an issue. You make an argument that this hasn't been in the forefront of Kaeprnicks' mind or that he wasn't weighing what was at risk like so many other athletes who have lost endorsements for taking this stand.

You forget that historically an entire nation fell silent to what was happening in the Civil Rights Movement until it was blasted across their TV screens in what is known as "Bloody Sunday"
Part of Social Justice is being observant, seeing what is happening and then entering when you are a) knowledgeable and b) can utilize your privilege most effectively.

What is disappointing is the continued dismissal of these actions and the continued silencing over the actual message that Kaepernick is trying to make.

Washington National Football Team's Head Coach Jay Gruden was quoted with the above sound bites. Which are extremely telling of how much off base we might actually be when it comes to this whole issue. Coach Gruden, might actually be out of tough with his player's feelings and stance on racial issues in this country. And to dictate how they will respond, almost continues to dismiss their ability to even speak at all. "Fall in line cuz massa says so."

There are many who call Kaepernick's act disrespectful to the flag

Was this disrespectful?

Or this?

[Check out the details of the article here]

Because let me remind you Kaepernick is not doing this

And what about this, is this disrespectful?

You can't kneel or show a display of a silent protest, but you can boo the President when he is speaking and acknowledging a memorial of one of the most significant attacks on our soil? 

The act that Kaeprnick is taking is the MOST American thing he is doing. He is showing his pride for this country by highlighting an area in which this country can improve. And furthermore it has sparked this amazing convergence of democracy at it's best. On Sunday, September 11, 2016 was the peak start  of the NFL 2016 Season. It also was the 15 year memorial of the September 11th terrorist attacks. Amidst "the kneel or don't kneel" controversy there were concerns about what this day would  look like.

I think it was so beautiful, with the backdrop of 9/11 you have players kneeling, locking arms, or raising fists NOT out of a sign of disrespect but as a true display of patriotism to say that the current experience of our community members isn't one that is celebrating "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

I leave it to these two thoughts for people who continue to dismiss the message and add the layer of "right and wrong" to Colin's protest. This thought is from Martin Luther King Jr. on riots:

Don't fail to hear the plight of what Colin is trying to raise light to by bringing something else into the conversation. Yes the backdrop might be uncomfortable, but it's sparking the larger conversation and at the edge of your discomfort you will be compelled to do something for change. 

Finally, I came across this link of Comedian Bill Burr and during his set he actually talks about Colin Kaepernick's protest. There is one line in this commentary that became the title of my blog post and fundamentally I think this is the line that we all need to take away "Are you going to argue with someone on their own experience?" Here we are going back and forth about how Kaepernick and now others are protesting.   But why are you not outraged for the "Why" they are protesting? Why is it easier for us to argue over the methods but not the motives?

Here's where I am at, to minimize an athlete or any individual to just their profession, takes away their humanity and voice. We are people, they are people, made up of our own experiences, testimonies and trials. Our experiences create our narrative and that story that we get to tell about who we are and what makes us who we are is ours to tell and ours to be respected. 

  Shortly after the intent of this post was generated the United States added two (in Tulsa and in Charlotte) more recorded shootings of Black men to the list of our nation's plight. The conversation has now shifted where Kaepernick supporters are calling out those who had frustrations with Kaepernick's display to say where is your frustration and the loss of these lives. I hate that these deaths are talking points and news stories in the way they have become. 

We need better..


NFL 2016 Week 2: Predictions, Reality & More

Hello Hello! It's your FAVORITE SportsGal89 Innnnnnnnnnnn the Buildin'! I am back with hopefully another bright and exciting edition of my weekly predictions where I put my guesses as to what is going to happen in this week's game day match-ups. Then come back after Monday to see how it all panned out! And to get my insight's on some of the week's best and worst games!

The Matchup                                       My Prediction                            Reality

New York Jets @ Buffalo                                  Buffalo

** The above prediction doesn't count because I forgot to post before the game. But for the record I had the Bills. 

Cincy @ STEELERS                                        STEELERS
Tennessee @ Detroit                                         Detroit
Baltimore @ Cleveland                                     Baltimore
Dallas @ Washington DC                                  Dallas
NoLA @ New York Giants                               NoLA
San Fran @ Carolina                                         Panthers
Miami @ New England                                     New England
Kansas City @ Houston                                     Houston
Seattle @ Los Angeles                                      Seattle
Tampa Bay @ Arizona                                      Arizona
Jacksonville @ San Diego                                 San Diego
Atlanta @ Oakland                                           ATL
Indy @ Denver                                                 Denver
Green Bay @ Minnesota                                    Green Bay
Philly @ Chicago                                              Chicago

Will I get it right? Come on back to see how I do


NFL 2016 Week 1: Predictions, Reality & More

Hello Hello! It's your FAVORITE SportsGal89 Innnnnnnnnnnn the Buildin'! I am back with hopefully another bright and exciting edition of my weekly predictions where I put my guesses as to what is going to happen in this week's game day match-ups. Then come back after Monday to see how it all panned out! And to get my insight's on some of the week's best and worst games!

The Matchup                              My Prediction                       Reality

Carolina @ Denver                                 Panthers                             Broncos 21-20
Green Bay @ Jacksonville                       Green Bay                          Green Bay 27-23*
Buffalo @ Baltimore                               Ravens                              Ravens 13-7*
Chicago @Houston                                 Houston                            Houston 23-14*
Cleveland @ Philadelphia                        Philly                               Eagles  29-10*
Tampa Bay @Atlanta                              ATL                                 Bucs 31-24
Minnesota @Tennessee                            Minnesota                        Vikings 25-16*
Cincy @ New York Jets                           Cincy                               Cincy 23-22*
Oakland @ NoLa                                    NoLA                              Raiders 35-34
San Diego @ Kansas City                        Kansas City                      Chiefs 33-27*
Miami @ Seattle                                     Seattle                             Seahawks 12-10*
Detroit @ Indianapolis                             Indy                               Lions 39-35
New York Giants @ Dallas                       Dallas                            Giants 20-19
New England @ Arizona                          New England                 Patriots 23-21*
STEELERS @ Washington DC                 STEELERS ;)               Steelers 38-16*
Los Angeles @ San Francisco                    49ers                            49ers 28-0*

Will I get it right? Come on back to see how I do

The Recap Posted 9/13/2016
 Well not bad for week one 11/16 games right?! Considering that some of these games were really close I am not at all disappointed in how I faired with my predictions. But let's now turn the pages to the recaps.

I am going to focus on three games because I think they are the most interesting.

1. Giants @ Dallas
If you didn't watch this game or hear about this game, man was it interesting. It was a game of new beginnings to say the least. Players or coaching staff on both sides were different from the last time these team matched up. Starting with the Giants head coaching staff and a Dallas offense starting both a rookie QB and Running Back duo in Prescott and Zeke Elliott (of The Ohio State University.. But the head scratcher wasn't how this game started or the back and forth on how the game continued. It was how the game ended that you were like, can the Cowboys be any worse! To potentially win the game, Dallas has an incredible late drive that you think is going to go in their favor setting them up for a field goal and the win off the foot of Dan Bailey (who would have given me 17 points in my Fantasy League if I hadn't benched him this week). It was all resting on Terrance Williams, who instead of seeing the sideline to stop the clock, only sees the end zone and ends what would have certainly been a dramatic finish to this game, in the other direction. Now I am not going to say that Williams misstep was the sole reason for the Dallas loss, but it was definitely a SMH moment.

2. 49ers vs LA Rams
The second MNF matchup was held by the newly moved LA (St. Louis) Rams and San Francisco. San Francisco has been catching a lot of attention (see my other blog post for more) which maybe highlighted a little bit more of why this game was going to be good. But you also have the LA Rams this season's Hardknocks. They were all but put together. You (LA Rams) make no conversions , one of the worst offensive plays I have seen in a long while. To the point that you question if the 49ers are going to be that good, or if the Rams were just that BAD. Looking forward to how week 2 levels out to truly understand and see the power of the Niners under Chip Kelly.

3. Steelers @ Washington
Saving the best for last, not specifically because the Steelers are my team (the one thing that I agree with Stephen A. Smith on), but moreso because I was there. So here we go, the game started slow. There was a moment that I was feeling a little bored. But then the Steelers hit their first TD and it was a different energy and game. At one point mind you the game was a one possession game but then you had a pick from Ryan Shazier (50) that opened up the game in a whole different way. Key players in this Steelers Offense- Obvi, Antonio Brown, DeAngelo Williams and then unexpectedly Jesse James filling the void of the now retired Heath Miller and new player Eli Rodgers who had a tremendous play that could have been a loss for the Steelers.

Side Assessment:
 Listening to commentators on ESPN today the question was how did Antonio Brown get away with what he did in Monday Night's Game. Almost to the fault of Washington's Defensive Coordinator because of the $$$ that was put up to get Josh Norman notable Corner. Here's my thing, Breeland was quite possibly the second best coverage on Antonio Brown and he didn't do horribly. You had Ben and Antonio a great tandem duo who have played that risky coverage and show strength in being able to dominate the man to man. What I will say and at the credit of Stephen A. Smith, the outrage of the Washington team is actually not that they didn't have Norman on Brown but that they didn't have double coverage on Brown. Playing man to man is cool, but when you keep getting beat on your left side, which ended up being your weaker side, why are you NOT doubling the coverage. To the advantage of the Steelers they spread the wealth all over the place, you had a solid ground game with DeAngelo chipping away at the wholes for some decent yards and then you had the air game with long balls to Antonio Brown. These are going to be things that defenses are going to have to account for. And honestly watching this game live and from the view I had, I did not realize the skill that is DeAngelo Williams. He pauses before making a decision to run, he uses his front 7 to shield him and to block and then maximizes on that play. It's incredible to watch and something that I don't think we give him much credit for until you actually see it. There isn't hesitation that comes by these decisions it is purely him playing the field the way he needs to do bring in points for his team.

That's all she wrote folks, check back for week 2 predictions!