
The Caliber of a Man- Russell Wilson

Hey Y'all, it's your favorite SportsGal89 Innnnnnnnnn the Buildin'!
This might be one of the few times that I diverge just a little bit from true conversation around sports and let those of you who only follow this blog, see a little more into my life.

I am a Christian, and probably like many believers and non-believers I am fascinated by the caliber of a man, that is Russell Wilson. He stands apart from many athletes and celebrities in general. When we walk in this world as Christians, we are often battling what our identity means. What I appreciate about Russell Wilson, on a human level, is that he is just solid in who he is through Christ. I love that it's not this show he is putting up, he trusts, believes and stands faithfully on the word of God.

Russell has recently made the spotlight, due to his relationship with singer- Ciara

The news outlets have made this a story that is about him proclaiming his abstinence in his relationship with her, but for me, I am more intrigued just be who he is, what he exudes beyond the fact that he is a high profile celebrity, with another high profile celebrity who happens to be abstaining from sex in their current relationship.

The little tidbits that he shares about how God has changed who he is, how he thinks, the man that he presents himself as to the world, it literally makes me overjoyed. He is a young man that I look up to. I admire his passion, his freedom to express his love for God, his faithfulness to God and his trust in God. I think in this day and age when I think about the world I can raise my children in, I hope that as they look to these men and women who have these extraordinary gifts that they can see more people who are like Russell. It definitely makes me appreciate him as more than just an athlete. I appreciate him as a person. I respect him as a person and I hope and pray that he continues to speak the way he does. I am so in awe of the God that is inside him.

I know I have digressed a little bit from the platform that many of you come to read, but I felt compelled to share this story.

That's all she wrote folks!

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