
Lakers vs. Suns GM 1!!! Recap

Hey ya'll SportsGal89 In the Building:
I told ya I'd get back after the game! How'd you like it? Big ups to the Lakers taking GM1 with a 128-107 final score over the Suns. What you missed, Lakers domination that started in the 2nd and caught on fire during the 3rd and final quarters! Ridiculous!
Kobe finished the game with his 11th Playoff Game scoring more than 30 points. Finals stats 40pts, 5 Rebound and 5 Assists. Together with Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom, Lakers defeated the Suns. But don't sleep on the Suns, Dudley caught some heat towards the end catching a three his first shot off. Nash still did his thing on the court with a swollen eye from first round playoff series. The Suns did their best to hold off the Lakers with their D, but having the Lakers starters and bench playing the way they did, it was hard to stop them. Odom who came off the bench left the game with 19 pts , 19 rebounds and 3 assists!
Between Gasol and Bryant the dynamic duo took on 61 points between the two of them.
My clincher of the game: Shannon Brown!!! 4th quarter Brown comes off the bench and literally FLEW in the air, missed the dunk but still a sight to see. It would have been nasty watching the number 12 take that shot!!
Oh clincher number 2: There was this one play, Sweet pass from Gasol to Bryant for a Bryant layup! Happened so quick even the replay had to go twice before I caught it!
At the end of this all: Lakers played PHE-NOM-ENAL!!! However, my biggest advice for the Lakers and any team coming off of a high like that, stay awake.. Don't sleep on the Suns or any team you dominate like that. Stay strong, play smart and keep it together. Don't underestimate the other team's heart, make sure your own is stronger.
With that I say GM 1's in the bag looking for the next 3! LET'S GO LAKERS!
SportsGal89 out!

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